
George Meek, Distinguished District Member of 2023

Jul 11, 2023


George Meek, Distinguished District Member of 2023

District 23, North York, was pleased to nominate George Meek for the 2023 District Distinguished Member Award. George has enjoyed various roles for approximately 26 years on District 23, North York Executive. He has made a difference in the quality of service to the members and assisted in bringing the District’s infrastructure into the future. George brings a depth of knowledge to decision-making and is most helpful about the proper procedures to follow as the Executive undertakes its work. Executive members find George very welcoming to new members and supportive of their efforts.

George has dedicated years of service to RTOERO and District 23. He continues to be a valued member of the District 23 Executive today. George has always been willing to contribute where needed, as demonstrated by his many roles on the Executive and RTOERO. We celebrate George’s many contributions and congratulate him on his well-deserved recognition as a Distinguished District Member of 2023.

George Meek retired in 1995 and immediately joined STO/ERO and the Health Plans. In 1996 George was elected Second Vice President at the Fall District 23 Annual General Meeting and went through the Table Officer positions. At the time, RTOERO was dealing with large lump sum payments from the OTPP. George assisted in developing a plan that achieved a significant reduction in the CPP Offset, using some of the pension surpluses.

George participated in the Senate from 1996 until 2005, assuming various roles, including District Table Officer, Senator, Health Services and Insurance Committee Chair, Constitution Committee member, and Deputy Speaker. He was appointed to the STO/ERO Health Services and Insurance Committee in the Fall of 1996 and served six years as a Committee Member.
We went through 2 double-digit increases in premiums during his time there, which placed the health plans on a firm financial foundation for the future.

George retired from RTOERO service in 2005 due to the health situation of his wife, Joy. President Ron Poste recognized his substantial contributions to STO/RTOERO in the Fall of 2007 with the presentation of the Founding Member Award.

At the District Level George became the STONY Bridges Newsletter Distribution Convener. Following this, he was appointed the District Health Services Convener in 2006. He was a natural for the position due to his six-year experience on the RTOERO Committee, a role he continued for nearly 15 years. During this time, he assisted many RTOERO members with more complex claims and questions. He attended the annual RTOERO District Health Representative (DHR) Seminar. He made a positive difference, ensuring North York’s concerns were always heard.

George’s experience in parliamentary procedure and conducting Annual Meetings led him to be requested to manage several District Annual Meetings. He was also a resource to the President in conducting Executive meetings.

While performing the Health Services role, he was appointed to a newly created Constitution Convenership. RTOERO requires District Constitutions to be updated and current with the RTOERO Model Constitution. RTOERO embarked on developing a governance document to replace its Constitution. At this time, his role as Governance Convener became more critical. During the last two years, he has coordinated the development of a new Governance Document that required RTOERO approval and approval at our Annual Meeting.

When North York District 23 reviewed our Policy, the Executive quickly approved it in 2022. We also have a document attached to our Governance Document entitled “Job Descriptions”. There is a job description for each Convener and member of our Executive, which totals over twenty-five individuals. We have amended the title to read: ‘Role Descriptions’. Our Review Committee has completed the review and it was approved at the 2023 Annual Meeting.