Event News

September 2023 e-Newsletter

Jul 28, 2023

2023 September e-Newsletter image

Welcome to the September e-Newsletter and a new year with RTOERO North York District 23. We continue to celebrate our 50th Anniversary as District 23 throughout fall. Our email distribution list continues to grow and District 23 North York is a vibrant and active group of retirees who engage in various events with diverse interests. This fanout will provide you with timely updates on special events.

September is always a hectic month with highly anticipated special events, such as the Champagne Breakfast on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, to welcome our newest retirees. Many of our regular events will resume this month such as Bridge, Book Club, e-Devices, Needlework & Crafts and Pole Walking! Read all about these activities in the sections below.

The tradition of the 138 year old “CNE EX” signals the end of summer for another year. Our schools and our teaching colleagues are preparing to return to school next week and we wish them well as they embark on the familiar September start-up. The Blue Jays are vying for a playoff position as this month begins and mid month we will experience the autumn equinox marking the formal transition for summer to fall!

Our Trip Convener, Mary Valtellini, has organized some trips and special events for the fall months. which are exciting!   The first will be a trip to the “Delicious Apples and Delightful Alpacas” with Mary Morton tours to Brighton and Colborne on Saturday, September 30, 2023. — All of the details are listed below. All registration forms and details are also available on our website:


Over the past couple of weeks, you should have received your new issue of STONY Bridges. This magazine serves as a reminder for all of our activities, as well as upcoming special events: theatre dates, concerts, information sessions and excursions. STONY Bridges provides full details for all District 23 events and the registration forms to participate.

Our District held its Annual Meeting (AM) in May at the Thornhill Golf and Country Club.  Members in new positions on our Executive for the coming year are:

  • Sara DiNallo will serve as our President for 2023-2024
  • Sylvia Skippen will move into the role of the First Vice President (but there is a vacancy for the position of  Second Vice President)
  • Maureen Capotosto moves into the position of the Past President
  • Sandra Filicetti will take on the role of Secretary
  • Maria Fernandes is the Goodwill Convener, and
  • Jane Matthews has undertaken the role as the new Editor/Graphic Designer of STONY Bridges and has done a fantastic job!
We look forward to welcoming you back and getting to meet our newest members. Let’s get started on this new year for our District and its members.

More …

Karen Quinn, Communications Convener
Cover Photo of Orchard: courtesy of Shutterstock
End Photos by: K. Quinn and Shutterstock